„Serbarea de la Putna: 1871 – 2021. Continuitatea unui ideal”
Constantin Flondor, The Putna Celebration of 1871 We are in the year 1871. The history of Europe is in imminent change. The revolutions of 1848, all over Europe, changed mentalities,…
Constantin Flondor, The Putna Celebration of 1871 We are in the year 1871. The history of Europe is in imminent change. The revolutions of 1848, all over Europe, changed mentalities,…
My Christian brethren, today is the great Feast of Pentecost, the Descent of the Holy Spirit. This was also celebrated in the Old Testament. It was the Passover of the…
Unceasing prayer, the mystery of prayer, is a mystery of the Resurrection, and the call of our Lord Jesus in our hearts is nothing but a renewal, a resurrection of…