Our Monastery – July/August 2022

Sărindar. With God’s help and with the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Nicolae, we managed to serve the announced series of 40 daily Divine Liturgies, beginning on July 3 and ending on August 11. We are deeply grateful to our Lord for pouring out His grace in abundance upon our hearts and for strengthening us to sustain all the trials and temptations during this time. We are also grateful for everyone who joined us in prayer, from near and from afar, and likewise, for everyone who sent us lists of names for commemoration.

Pavilion. By God’s grace, we obtained the necessary building permits and, on July 18, construction work began for the new pavilion. First, the perimeter of the foundation was excavated, after which the forms were assembled and the concrete was poured in multiple stages. By God’s mercy and after much difficult labor in the torrid summer heat, and after having endured a good number of trials, the concrete slab was poured on August 27. The second phase, with God’s help, will begin in September, and will consist of the construction of the wooden structure (Douglas fir).

We thank everyone who has supported us thus far with their donations, prayers, and labor. Each person’s gift and labor were truly indispensable and invaluable. We would like to express our special thanks to Evangelia Zagorčić and Roxana Crusemire, for the self-sacrifice and devotion with which they helped in preparing the meals and accommodations for our workers.

Icons. With the blessing of His Eminence Nicolae, printed icons are mounted to wood in our monastery.

Pure beeswax candles. Pure beeswax candles are also made in our monastery to adorn the prayer of every Christian. A pure wax candle burning during private or church prayer is a sacrifice pleasing to God.