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When God looks upon us, tears well up in His eyes and His countenance is full of tenderness. There is no gaze so warm, no thought so pure, no heart…
When God looks upon us, tears well up in His eyes and His countenance is full of tenderness. There is no gaze so warm, no thought so pure, no heart…
“This is My beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased” (Matthew 3.17)By the grace of God, we have celebrated this luminous feast of the Lord’s Baptism, also called Theophany.…
Duminică seară, 2 ianuarie, la invitația Preasfințitului Nikolai de Manhattan, am slujit Acatistul Buneivestiri înaintea Icoanei făcătoare de minuni a Maicii Domnului din Kursk...