
With God’s help and with the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Nicolae, our monastery publishes a monthly bulletin in which we hope to offer spiritual messages and recent updates for our pilgrims.
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WORD OF THE METROPOLITAN ⋅ Pastoral Letter for the Feast of the Lord’s Resurrection 2023
VOICE OF PUTNA ⋅ May we confess Christ in word and deed ⋅ Archimandrite Melchisedec Velnic
CHRISTIAN CULTURE ⋅ Hymn to Christ after silence, on the day of Pascha ⋅ St. Gregory Nazianzus
MEDITATION ⋅ The Victory of God
MEDITATION ⋅ Knowing how to die and rise for Christ
HOLY FATHERS ⋅ St. Theotimus of Tomis
POEM ⋅ The Mother of God’s Joy at the Holy Resurrection ⋅ St. John Jacob
OUR FATHERS IN THE LORD ⋅ Archbishop Victorin Ursache: a saint among us
EXPLORING YOUR FAITH! ⋅ “Learn from Me…”
EXPLORING YOUR FAITH! ⋅ “The Kingdom of Heaven is within you”
APOSTLE ⋅ Witnesses of the Resurrection
APOSTLE ⋅ Sunday of Saint Gregory Palamas
YOUTH VOICE ⋅ Young people shine when they are united in the Church ⋅ Stefan Geleriu
OUR MONASTERY ⋅ March/April 2023
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FEAST ⋅ Theophany
VOICE OF PUTNA ⋅ What we understood from the Father’s love (I) ⋅ Protosyngellos Hrisostom Ciuciu
CHRISTIAN CULTURE ⋅ Fire, fire ⋅ Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
MEDITATION ⋅ “He sought to see Him…”
MEDITATION ⋅ Following Christ
HOLY FATHERS ⋅ Saint Seraphim of Sarov
POEM ⋅ I live in hunger ⋅ Valeriu Gafencu
OUR FATHERS IN THE LORD ⋅ Archbishop Victorin Ursache: a saint among us
EXPLORING YOUR FAITH! ⋅ Sermon on the Mount (II)
EXPLORING YOUR FAITH! ⋅ Sermon on the Mount (III)
APOSTLE ⋅ Be filled with the Holy Spirit (cf. Ephesians 5:18)
APOSTLE ⋅ Strengthening our mind
YOUTH VOICE ⋅ To Think Prayer is Nothing is a Trick of the Evil One ⋅ Olof Borg
OUR MONASTERY ⋅ January/February 2023
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WORD OF THE METROPOLITAN ⋅ Pastoral Letter for the Feast of the Lord’s Nativity 2022 ⋅ His Eminence Metropolitan Nicolae
VOICE OF PUTNA ⋅ Nativity of the Lord and the majesty of mankind ⋅ Protosyngellos Gherasim Soca
ANNIVERSARY ⋅ Archimandrite Melchisedec Velnic – 30 years of abbacy
CHRISTIAN CULTURE ⋅ Bitten by the serpent (II) ⋅ St. Gregory the Theologian
FEAST ⋅ Entrance into the Temple of the Mother of God
MEDITATION ⋅ The kindness and the love of God (Titus 3:4)
MEDITATION ⋅ Genealogy of the Lord
HOLY FATHERS ⋅ Saint Porphyrios of Kafsokalyvia
POEM ⋅ Ballade of the Bird ⋅ Daniel Turcea
OUR FATHERS IN THE LORD ⋅ Archbishop Victorin Ursache: a saint among us
EXPLORING YOUR FAITH! ⋅ The Sermon on the Mount
APOSTLE ⋅ Be filled with the Holy Spirit (cf. Ephesians 5:18)
APOSTLE ⋅ Straightening the hunchbacked human nature
YOUTH VOICE ⋅ No longer am I tired of being ⋅ Beatrice
OUR MONASTERY ⋅ November/December 2022
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FEAST ⋅ Nativity of the Mother of God
VOICE OF PUTNA ⋅ Pursue peace and holiness ⋅ Protosyngellos Gherasim Soca
CHRISTIAN CULTURE ⋅ Bitten by the serpent (I) ⋅ St. Gregory the Theologian
MEDITATION ⋅ Salvation from the serpent
MEDITATION ⋅ Exertion and Humility
HOLY FATHERS ⋅ Saint Parascheva – The one who gave her heart to the Lord
POEM ⋅ O, man! ⋅ St. John Jacob the Chozebite
OUR FATHERS IN THE LORD ⋅ “What can I tell you? He never got upset”
EXPLORING YOUR FAITH! ⋅ The Gospel Image of the Christian
EXPLORING YOUR FAITH! ⋅ The Beatitudes (I)
APOSTLE ⋅ God loves a cheerful giver
YOUTH VOICE ⋅ Two ROYA Retreats with Father Deacon Sorin Mihalache ⋅ Danielle Radu and Laura Ionescu
OUR MONASTERY ⋅ September/October 2022
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FEAST ⋅ The Light of the Transfiguration is Uncreated ⋅ Saint Gregory Palamas
VOICE OF PUTNA ⋅ The Mystery of Holy Unction – the mystery of spiritual and bodily healing ⋅ Archimandrite Dosoftei Dijmărescu
CHRISTIAN CULTURE ⋅ A document signed by Saint Stephen the Great at Zograf Monastery on Mount Athos ⋅ Adrian Alui Gheorghe
MEDITATION ⋅ Preserving the grace from the beginning
MEDITATION ⋅ Walking on water
HOLY FATHERS ⋅ The Lord God lives – Eliyahu
HOLY FATHERS ⋅ Testimony about Saint John Jacob
POEM ⋅ The Church over the Prut ⋅ Vasile Romanciuc
OUR FATHERS IN THE LORD ⋅ Archbishop Victorin Ursache – A Memory and Homage! ⋅ Prot. Ic. Stavr. Ion Gherman
APOSTLE ⋅ “Doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men” (Ephesians 6.7)
YOUTH VOICE ⋅ Prayers sent to God on the wings of birds ⋅ Ioana
OUR MONASTERY ⋅ July/August 2022
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FEAST ⋅ The Descent of the Holy Spirit
VOICE OF PUTNA ⋅ True joy is shared with others ⋅ Archimandrite Melchisedec Velnic
CHRISTIAN CULTURE ⋅ “Book People” at the Aiud Prison ⋅ Adrian Alui Gheorghe
MEDITATION ⋅ Our greatest weakness
MEDITATION ⋅ Sunday of All Saints – The dialogue of gifts
HOLY FATHERS ⋅ Saint Justin Martyr the Philosopher
POEM ⋅ The Prisoner ⋅ Vasile Voiculescu
OUR FATHERS IN THE LORD ⋅ Here’s some advice: Never judge anyone, ever!
APOSTLE ⋅ May you be filled with all the fullness of God (Ephesians 3.19)
YOUTH VOICE ⋅ ROYA Retreat at Sf. Dumitru Monastery ⋅ Ana Constantin
OUR MONASTERY ⋅ May/June 2022
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FEAST ⋅ Pastoral Letter for the Feast of the Lord’s Resurrection 2022 ⋅ His Eminence Metropolitan Nicolae
VOICE OF PUTNA ⋅ The greatest virtue… ⋅ Protosyngellos Hrisostom Ciuciu
CHRISTIAN CULTURE ⋅ God rewards worthiness with worthiness ⋅ Adrian Alui Gheorghe
MEDITATION ⋅ The Mechanism of the Fall
MEDITATION ⋅ The tragedy is being far from our hearts
HOLY FATHERS ⋅ St. Sophronius, Patriarch of Jerusalem
POEM ⋅ Your Face, Mama ⋅ Grigore Vieru
OUR FATHERS IN THE LORD ⋅ “His face is shining like the sun!” Testimony of Paul Issiid about Bishop Victorin
APOSTLE ⋅ The Bond of Peace in Love
YOUTH VOICE ⋅ Growing Rocks ⋅ Paul Myers
OUR MONASTERY ⋅ March/April 2022
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FEAST ⋅ Theophany
VOICE OF PUTNA ⋅ Open the door of your heart unto all ⋅ Protosyngellos Gherasim Soca
CHRISTIAN CULTURE ⋅ The Freedom to be Anonymous ⋅ Adrian Alui Gheorghe
HOLY FATHERS ⋅ Saint Basil the Great
MEDITATION ⋅ “Lord, that I may receive my sight.” On spiritual vision
MEDITATION ⋅ “Sealed Vessel of the Holy Spirit”
OUR FATHERS IN THE LORD ⋅ Archbishop Victorin – a saint among us ⋅ Elena Rahlițchi and Monk Eufrosin State
POEM ⋅ I Have Nothing against You, Death ⋅ Grigore Vieru
APOSTLE ⋅ On Repentance
YOUTH VOICE ⋅ God makes Himself known in everything we do ⋅ Ana Maria Crăciun
OUR MONASTERY ⋅ January/February 2022
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WORD OF THE METROPOLITAN ⋅ Pastoral Letter for the Feast of the Lord’s Nativity 2021 ⋅ His Eminence NICOLAE
VOICE OF PUTNA ⋅ Saint Nicholas Today ⋅ Protosyngellos Dosoftei Dijmărescu
CHRISTIAN CULTURE ⋅ The New Illiteracy ⋅ Adrian Alui Gheorghe
MEDITATION ⋅ Diffidence in Our Relationship with God
MEDITATION ⋅ God with Us
HOLY FATHERS ⋅ Saint Spyridon the Wonderworker, Bishop of Tremithus
POEM ⋅ “The Departure of Father Gherasim” [Iscu] (+25 December 1951) ⋅ Constantin Aurel Dragodan
OUR FATHERS IN THE LORD ⋅ Simplicity and Modesty ⋅ Carmen Ognean
APOSTLE ⋅ The Peace of Christ
YOUTH VOICE ⋅ Being a Christian Does Not Allow Us Self-Pity ⋅ Alexandra Moisoiu
OUR MONASTERY ⋅ November/December 2021
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FEAST ⋅ The Nativity of the Mother of God ⋅ Saint Gregory Palamas
VOICE OF PUTNA ⋅ On the Beginning of a New School Year ⋅ Archimandrite Melchisedec Velnic
CHRISTIAN CULTURE ⋅ Small Cultures Facing Globalization ⋅ Adrian Alui Gheorghe
MEDITATION ⋅ The Answer to God’s Call
MEDITATION ⋅ He Who Bears His Cross Does Not Need Miracles
POEM ⋅ Heaven Descended upon Earth ⋅ Daniel Turcea
HOLY FATHERS ⋅ The Holy Apostle and Evangelist John
OUR FATHERS IN THE LORD ⋅ Archbishop Victorin Ursache. The Gentle Shepherd! ⋅ Carmen Ognean
EXPLORING YOUR FAITH! ⋅ Messiah: The Son of God
APOSTLE ⋅ The Cross: The Path to Salvation
YOUTH VOICE ⋅ A Paterikon Image ⋅ Mihaela Dumitru
OUR MONASTERY ⋅ September/October 2021
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FEAST ⋅ The Dormition of the Mother of God ⋅ His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel
VOICE OF PUTNA ⋅ The Celebration of Putna 150. The Continuity of an Ideal and the Anniversary Student Congress ⋅ Emanuel Buta
CHRISTIAN CULTURE ⋅ How Would the Romanian People Have Been without Eminescu? ⋅ Ana Blandiana
MEDITATION ⋅ The Merit of the Holy Fathers. The Fullness of Grace
HOLY FATHERS ⋅ Don’t Be Afraid, I Am Here with You ⋅ Saint John Maximovitch
POEM ⋅ When Shall We Begin to Live, O Light? ⋅ Daniel Turcea
MEDITATION ⋅ We are Christ’s Own
OUR FATHERS IN THE LORD ⋅ Archbishop Victorin, a Person from a Completely Different World ⋅ Ruxandra Alexe
APOSTLE ⋅ Let us Become Slaves of Righteousness (cf. Romans 6.18)
APOSTLE ⋅ Our Righteousness and the Righteousness of God
YOUTH VOICE ⋅ Romanians in Europe: Between Identity and Integration ⋅ Cosmin Țugui
OUR MONASTERY ⋅ July/August 2021
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WORD OF THE METROPOLITAN ⋅ Pastoral Letter for the Feast of the Lord’s Resurrection 2021 ⋅ His Eminence Nicolae
VOICE OF PUTNA ⋅ Let Us Confess Christ through Word and Deed ⋅ Archimandrite Melchisedec Velnic
FEAST ⋅ Descent of the Holy Spirit
CHRISTIAN CULTURE ⋅ “The Putna Celebration: 1871–2021. The Continuity of an Ideal” ⋅ Adrian Alui Gheorghe
MEDITATION ⋅ May We Not Forget!
POEM ⋅ Who Calls Me…? ⋅ Mihai Buracu
HOLY FATHERS ⋅ The Lamentations of Jeremiah ⋅ Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov
OUR FATHERS IN THE LORD ⋅ Some Spiritual Memories from the Life of Archbishop Victorin ⋅ Lucia V. Sarchisian & Dumitru Ungureanu
MEDITATION ⋅ Confessing God: A Privilege
EXPLORING YOUR FAITH! ⋅ The Messianism of the Ancient Rabbis
EXPLORING YOUR FAITH! ⋅ The Messiah is Come!
APOSTLE ⋅ Evil Must Be Ignored Even When It Tells the Truth
YOUTH VOICE ⋅ ROYA Retreat ⋅ Robert Belibrov
OUR MONASTERY ⋅ May/June 2021
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FEAST ⋅ The Annunciation
PASTORAL VISIT ⋅ What Does It Mean for Me to Become a Christian? ⋅ His Eminence Nicolae
VOICE OF PUTNA ⋅ Through Humility and Humble Mindedness, Let Us Draw Closer to God ⋅ Archimandrite Melchisedec Velnic
CHRISTIAN CULTURE ⋅ The Ethics of Memory ⋅ Adrian Alui Gheorghe
HOLY FATHERS ⋅ “Mother of God, Enlighten My Darkness!” ⋅ Saint Gregory Palamas
POEM ⋅ Poems for Mom ⋅ Grigore Vieru & Nichita Stănescu
MEDITATION ⋅ Christian Asceticism
OUR FATHERS IN THE LORD ⋅ Archbishop Victorin Ursache: A Saint among Us (V)
EXPLORING YOUR FAITH! ⋅ The Mother of God, Champion Leader of Christians ⋅ Archimandrite Melchisedec Velnic
APOSTLE ⋅ We Have Passions, We Have Enemies
YOUTH VOICE ⋅ What Does “Mother” Mean to Me Now, in Canada? ⋅ Alexandra Ioana Geonea
OUR MONASTERY ⋅ March/April 2021
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FEAST ⋅ How Can We Reach the Blessedness of Meeting the Lord? ⋅ St. Theophan the Recluse
VOICE OF PUTNA ⋅ The Fear of the World and the Fear of the Lord ⋅ Protosyngellos Hrisostom Ciuciu
CHRISTIAN CULTURE ⋅ A Memory with Father Iustin Pârvu ⋅ Adrian Alui Gheorghe
POEM ⋅ The Saint ⋅ Adrian Alui Gheorghe
MEDITATION ⋅ Faithful to the First Grace
HOLY FATHERS ⋅ The Martyrdom of the Holy Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna
OUR FATHERS IN THE LORD ⋅ Archbishop Victorin Ursache: A Saint among Us (IV)
APOSTLE ⋅ Now is the Day of Salvation (2 Corinthians 6.2)
YOUTH VOICE ⋅ Love of Nation ⋅ Petru Andrei Juravlea
OUR MONASTERY ⋅ February 2021
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FEAST ⋅ The Baptism of the Lord ⋅ Protosyngellos Ieremia
VOICE OF PUTNA ⋅ Epiphany with the Romanian Brothers from Crasna of Bukovina ⋅ Protosyngellos Gherasim Soca
CHRISTIAN CULTURE ⋅ Freedom by Faith ⋅ Adrian Alui Gheorghe
MEDITATION ⋅ Where are You, Lord?
HOLY FATHERS ⋅ Saint Gregory the Theologian (330-390)
OUR FATHERS IN THE LORD ⋅ Archbishop Victorin Ursache: A Saint among Us (III)
POEM ⋅ Signs of Mourning in the Jordan Valley ⋅ Hieroschemamonk John
EXPLORING YOUR FAITH! ⋅ Isaiah: The Old Testament Evangelist
APOSTLE ⋅ Those who Love the Lord’s Appearance (cf. 2 Timothy 4.8)
YOUTH VOICE ⋅ Until the Bell Rings ⋅ Kassiani Tzoganakis
OUR MONASTERY ⋅ January 2021
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WORD OF THE METROPOLITAN ⋅ Pastoral Letter for the Feast of the Lord’s Nativity 2020 ⋅ His Eminence NICOLAE
VOICE OF PUTNA ⋅ Thoughts on the Dignity of Being Romanian ⋅ Protosyngellos Dosoftei Dijmărescu
MEDITATION ⋅ Why Didn’t the Rabbis Recognize and Receive Christ?
HOLY FATHERS ⋅ When Love Multiplies, Martyrdom Becomes a Feast ⋅ St. Ignatius of Antioch
APOSTLE ⋅ The City Whose Builder Is God (Hebrews 11.10)
OUR FATHERS IN THE LORD ⋅ Archbishop Victorin Ursache: A Saint among Us (II)
POEM ⋅ The Lamb of Redemption ⋅ Hieroschemamonk John
FEAST ⋅ The Humility That Precedes the Knowledge of God ⋅ Protosyngellos Ieremia
EXPLORING YOUR FAITH! ⋅ Christ in the Psalms
YOUTH VOICE ⋅ Trust ⋅ Teodora Pădure
OUR MONASTERY ⋅ December 2020
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WORD OF THE METROPOLITAN ⋅ Word of Blessing ⋅ His Eminence NICOLAE
VOICE OF PUTNA ⋅ Christ: Icon from Within our Heart ⋅ Archimandrite Melchisedec Velnic
FEAST ⋅ The Entrance of the Most Holy Mother of God into the Temple ⋅ Protosyngellos Ieremia
OUR FATHERS IN THE LORD ⋅ Archbishop Victorin Ursache: A Saint among Us
MEDITATION ⋅ The Unmerciful Rich Men
HOLY FATHERS ⋅ Be Attentive to Yourself ⋅ St. Basil the Great
APOSTLE ⋅ Sing in Your Hearts to the Lord!
POEM ⋅ In Fatherly Arms ⋅ St. John Jacob the Chozebite
YOUTH VOICE ⋅ I Found My Shoes ⋅ Mihaela Dumitru
OUR MONASTERY ⋅ November 2020