Holy Pascha

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Dear Friends of Saint Dumitru Monastery,
On the Eve of the Great Feast we send you a thought of blessing and of wishes.
In this Week of the Holy Passions, which has just ended, we taste, as in no other, from the love (the All-Love would Father Joseph from Vatopaedi Monastery say) of our Savior and Bridegroom Jesus Christ, from His meekness and from His great mercy. And we apprehend that “we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses” (Hebrews 4, 15) and that we will always have Him next to us on the road of our salvation. May this Holy Passion Week and “the great week of passions for which we do not have a calendar [of our lives]” (as Archbishop Victorin Ursache would say) may be an opportunity for us to draw nigh our Savior and to no longer depart from Him.
For it is especially in the “passion week of our lives” that we are “planted on Him in the likeness of His death” (cf. Romans 6, 5), as the Epistle of this Good Saturday reads. Therefore, “the passion week of our lives” can be an opportunity of great blessing and benefit for our lives – “planting on Him”, if we know how to value it by us entering and tasting of His presence next to us. Thus, we will also “partake of His resurrection” (Romans 6, 5).
May the Holy and Glorious and Full of Light Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ fill our lives and souls with Light, heal all the wounds and burdens and sorrows of our souls and impart unto us strength from His All-Mightiness, that we may trample on all fear and threat!
Many joyful years in our Lord!
We also announce the publication of our monastery February bulletin. You can read or download it from: https://sfdumitru.org/en/icon-from-within/.
Also, we would like to share with you our joy that our monastery got renewed with a hedge of trees. We warmly thank all the donors and all the volunteers who helped out (shovel in hand) with the planting of the trees. May God reward their love and sacrifice!
Here you can watch a short clip with the new adornment of our monastery: https://youtu.be/-XPAnYwiKmU.
Glory to God for all things!
Christ is Risen!
In Christ, our Lord and Savior,
Protosinghel Ieremia
Abbot of Saint Dumitru Monastery