Our Monastery – January/February 2023

Feast Day Invitation. Our monastery’s summer feast day, the Ascension of the Lord, will be celebrated on Saturday, May 27. We have the joy to announce that, by God’s grace and with the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Nicolae, the Father Abbot of Holy Putna Monastery, Archimandrite Melchisedec Velnic, along with a group of fathers. The Hierarchical Divine Liturgy on the feast day will begin at 10am, and after the agape meal, at 4pm, there will be a conference: “A Conversation with Father Abbot. About our Fathers in the Lord. About being a Christian today.”

Father Abbot Melchisedec will offer us a treasure of great price: a portion of the holy relics of Saint Jacob of Putna, the Metropolitan of Moldavia, who was recently canonized. The Holy Relics will remain on display for veneration in the church of our monastery, for the protection and support of the monastery and of all who will venerate them with faith.

We cordially invite you so that together, we may allow our hearts to be touched by a ray of light from the Jerusalem of the Romanian nation.

Romanian Welcome Gate. By God’s grace, we intend to construct a Maramureș-style entry gate, inspired by the design of the gate at Sihăstria Neamț. Besides its essential function as a gate that can open/close automatically, it will serve as a (Romanian) sign of welcome for our monastery. The architectural design is in an advanced stage and we have begun the process of obtaining the necessary construction permits. Thanks to the mediation of several faithful devoted to the monastery, the gate will be manufactured by a team of craftsmen near Bârsana in Maramureș County, and then it will be transported and installed here. We express our gratitude to all of our Christian brethren who have expressed their support for this project, as well as those who have already offered donations.

Icons. With the blessing of His Eminence Nicolae, printed icons are mounted to wood in our monastery.

Pure beeswax candles. Pure beeswax candles are also made in our monastery to adorn the prayer of every Christian. A pure wax candle burning during private or church prayer is a sacrifice pleasing to God.