Dear Friends of Saint Dumitru Monastery,
Our Savior is wrapped in swaddling-bands and “Adam who was bound is released, and freedom is given to all who believe”, the Church sings these days. Our Savior descends so that we ascend. He humbles Himself, so that we are exalted, so that we regain our dignity and freedom. He becomes poor so that we become rich. He becomes like us so that we become like Him.
With desire He desired to come to us. Seeing the wondrous things which happened in Betlehem these days, let us kindle our hearts with the desire to be His!
We thank our Lord for all the gifts, for all the blessings and graces, for all protection we received this year! We also thank all of you for your help, for your prayers, for all your good hearts towards our monastery and us. May the good God reward you as He only knows.
Our monastery’s liturgical schedule for this period is posted on our site (click here). We warmly invite you to participate.
Kursk Root Icon. We have the joy of inviting you to join us at the onset of the year, Sunday, January 5, 2025, beginning at 7pm, at the Cathedral of the Sign in Manhattan, E 93rd St. & Park Ave. With the blessing of H.E. Nikolai, Metropolitan of the Russian Church Abroad (ROCOR) and of our Metropolitan, H.E. Nicolae, we will serve the Akathist Hymn before the Kursk Root Icon of the Mother of God, for protection and blessing in the New Year.
In closing, we wish to share with all of you from the joy and blessing we felt when we listened to the carols sung by “Innocent of Probota” Psaltic Group:
On the Nativity of our Lord we wish that our good Savior open your hearts and enter with His love for mankind.
Many years!
The Community of Saint Dumitru Monastery