Witnesses of the Resurrection

The subject of the Epistle which was read on the second day of Pascha is how the Apostles chose a replacement for Judas the betrayer (Acts 1:15-26). It is very interesting and worth noting that when St. Peter describes the ministry of an apostle, he says, “one of these [men] must become a witness with us of His [the Lord’s] Resurrection”. Thus, the apostolic ministry especially means to bear witness to the Resurrection. This is its essence. The Holy Apostle Paul likewise says that the Resurrection is the most important event (cf. 1 Corinthians 15:14).

The Apostles are first of all witnesses of the Resurrection and preachers of it. This is what we ought to do in our lives as well: to bear witness to the Lord’s Resurrection through our actions and words and through who we are – especially through joy. Many Holy Fathers insisted on joy, just as Elder Arsenie Papacioc would say, “Smile, please!” Elder Aimilianos would also always say, “Rejoice!” But he would also say that we cannot rejoice if we hold on to something of our own. When we approach God, we must lay aside everything else. Then, sorrow will have nothing to latch onto.

It is natural for us to rejoice in these days. We have the grace of the feast and we must bear witness to the Lord’s Resurrection through joy.